Quick Uncontested Divorce
Quick Uncontested Divorce.
In 3 Weeks.
650.00 plus court costs (with spouse’s signature). We can handle the entire divorce via email if you prefer not to come in for an appointment.
- No court appearance.
- Spouse signs divorce documents.
- Divorce by deposition.
Divorce By Publication.
In 2 1/2 Months.
600.00 plus court costs (plus cost of publication charged by the newspaper, without spouse’s signature).
Your spouse lives outside of Virginia in any other state or country or you cannot find them after trying diligently (for publication).
Requirements for all of the above:
- At least one spouse lives in Virginia for 6 months.
- You and your spouse have been separated for at least 6 months (if you have no minor children).
- You and your spouse have a written and signed separation agreement.
- You and your spouse have been separated for 12 months (if you and your spouse have minor children or no written and signed separation agreement).
The above fees assume that there are no property, custody, or support issues to be resolved.