
We are experienced negotiators and litigators offering fast, affordable, easy solutions to your family, domestic, bankruptcy, financial, personal injury, auto accident, wrongful death, sexual harassment, discrimination, corporate and contract problems.

We are known for being outspoken client advocates.  For over 35 years, we have proudly stood beside our clients amidst life’s most stressful and emotional events.  We are experienced litigators, offering skilled, personal, compassionate and affordable legal services to our clients. And we can say with confidence and our three-decade track record, that you are in good hands with the Solomon Law Group. Let us fight for you.

Call the Solomon Law Group for confidential, skilled and experienced representation for your legal matters. (540) 678-0569. We are ready to fight for your rights!


Ms. Solomon is an experienced divorce attorney offering fast, simple and affordable solutions to your financial and family law problems. For a FAST uncontested divorce for a flat fee of only $600.00 (plus court costs), see the EXPRESS DIVORCE tab. She is an excellent family lawyer who offers fast, inexpensive divorces for people who have everything settled and is also highly skilled in handling contested divorce and custody matters. Your children, home, and property all hang in the balance. Ms. Solomon is a talented and professional negotiator and litigator who will fight for your rights. For uncontested divorces in Virginia, Ms. Solomon can usually obtain an express divorce for clients in about 3 weeks and for a small additional fee, in about 2 weeks.

In contested divorces, whether its how to value a business or finding hidden assets, Ms. Solomon understands complex business and financial matters and is well known for her business acumen. She successfully negotiated dozens of complicated multi-million dollar national and international corporate and government contracts. She combines an understanding of financial complexities with effective and compassionate representation to get you your fair share of the marital assets.

Fair is not always equal in Virginia. Each case must be evaluated on its own facts. Did you put separate money into a marital asset? Did you inherit property or money? Did you help pay your spouse’s separate debts? Did you personally improve property? Did you gift or deed your spouse real estate or did they do so to you? Did your spouse spend marital money on a lover? All of these issues can have a significant impact on the equitable division of assets in a divorce. Some assets are marital, others are separate while still others are hybrid: part marital and part separate. The court uses more than one technical formula to determine the marital and separate share of assets and to divide them. Did your spouse spend money or incur for non-marital purposes? Make sure your division of property is fair by utilizing the experienced firm of the Solomon Law Group. Whether you are looking for legal advice or for a lawyer for divorce, call the experienced attorneys at the Solomon Law Group. Put a skilled, experienced, and aggressive family law attorney with an extensive business and financial background on your side to zealously guard your property and watch out for your rights.

Ms. Solomon’s extensive business and financial background allows her to provide guidance even in the most difficult of cases. She is knowledgeable in evaluating financial, vocational and psychological professionals as needed for custody, visitation, complex property, or spousal support claims. Ms. Solomon has extensive experience in evaluating small or family-owned businesses as well as large businesses, investments, retirement funds, and pensions.

At the Solomon Law Group, our goal is to advocate for you and to protect your rights, your property, your children, and your future throughout the divorce process. We are your voice, your protector, and your advocate in the courtroom. To schedule a consultation, call 540-678-0569 or contact us by email at msolomon@solomonlaw.biz. Our attorneys will give you a straight forward evaluation of your case and devise a strategy to meet your goals as fully as possible. We review the court’s approach, the law relevant to your case and particular factual situation, and how to position your case for the best possible outcome.

If you are thinking about divorce and want to know your rights or have received divorce papers and need to know your options, our divorce lawyers will provide you with effective legal representation. With over 27 years of combined experience, our family law attorneys will help you achieve your goals as fast and cost-effectively as possible. We know divorce law! When you need an attorney for divorce, you want a lawyer who knows divorce law and who you can turn to for legal advice about divorce. Call us to find out how to divorce your spouse and keep all the assets you are entitled to.

Contact the Solomon Law Group for a consultation with an experienced Virginia divorce lawyer.

uncontested divorce in 3 weeks

Quick Uncontested Divorce.
In 3 Weeks. 650.00 plus court costs (with spouse’s signature). We can handle the entire divorce via email if you prefer not to come in for an appointment.

    • No court appearance.
    • Spouse signs divorce documents.
    • Divorce by deposition.

Divorce By Publication.
In 2 1/2 Months. 650.00 plus court costs (plus cost of publication, without spouse’s signature).

Your spouse lives outside of Virginia in any other state or country or you cannot find them after trying diligently (for publication).

Requirements for all of the above:

  • At least one spouse lives in Virginia for 6 months.
  • You and your spouse have been separated for at least 6 months (if you have no minor children).
  • You and your spouse have a written and signed separation agreement.
  • You and your spouse have been separated for 12 months (if you and your spouse have minor children or no written and signed separation agreement).

The above fees assume that there are no property, custody, or support issues to be resolved.


We practice in Virginia and West Virginia. The rules on what you can keep in each of these states varies.

At this time, we do not represent you. This information is intended to be general in nature, and there are many complex issues that can be involved in a bankruptcy petition that are not addressed herein. Do not rely on the information contained in this website as legal advice!

to download our Bankruptcy Intake form

To make an appointment to speak with us, please call (540) 678-0569.

Express Divorce
Family Law
Separation Agreements
Prenuptial Agreements
Corporate Law
Business Formation
Personal Injury • Wrongful Death
Motorcycle Accidents
Car Accidents
While the following are standard fees for some types of services, the standard fee may not apply in your case because sometimes additional services are required.

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (Virginia)

Attorney fee $900.00

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (West Virginia)

Attorney fee $900.0

Uncontested Divorce Virginia

Attorney fee $600.00

Divorce in 3 Weeks (uncontested only)

Requires your spouse to sign and return an Answer, Waiver and Acceptance. Additional cost includes preparation of those documents and expediting of your divorce.

Attorney fee $600.00

Court costs are based on service of your spouse in Virginia. If your spouse does NOT LIVE in Virginia, than the court costs may be a little different depending on where your spouse lives and how much the sheriff charges for service in that state.

If you do not know where your spouse lives, you may have to PUBLISH for service. Publication costs are extra based on how much the newspaper charges.

If your spouse is in jail, you may have to hire a Guardian ad litem (an attorney) to represent your spouse.

If your spouse is on active duty in the U.S. military, there may be other issues involved with serving your spouse. This issue should be discussed with your attorney.

If you are the wife filing for divorce and you want your name changed back to your maiden name or former married name in the course of a divorce,  we charge $71.00 to record the name change.

If you and your spouse are in disagreement about custody, child support, property division or any other major issue, your divorce is probably not going to be “uncontested” and different fees apply.

Property Settlement and/or Custody Agreement

The fee for property settlement agreements are based on how long they take to draft and are billed at the attorney’s hourly rate.

Simple Will or Trust

Attorney fee $350.00 for an individual and $500.00 for a married couple.

Consultation for a Divorce, Separation, Custody or Other Domestic Matter

Attorney fee $400.00 for Marilyn and $390.00 for Andy

Contested Divorce or Custody Matter

Attorney Services are billed hourly, plus costs.

Sexual Harassment

Over half of women and 1 in 5 men encounter sexual harassment at work in their lifetime.

The law defines sexual harassment as unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment. Sexual harassment is a type of sex discrimination, a subset of gender discrimination. There are 2 types of sexual harassment:

  • Hostile work place is defined conduct that unreasonably interferes with work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. The EEOC further defines it as a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, offensive, hostile, or abusive.
  • Quid pro quo (literally Latin meaning “this for that.” Usually (but not always) this type of harassment requires a manager or supervisor’s actions. But the definition is not driven by someone’s title. They don’t have to actually be a manager or supervisor to be liable for quid pro quo. If the person has the power to set job duties or tasks for the day for any coworker, quid pro quo can still apply.

Managers/supervisors use raises, promotions, punishments i.e. demotions or firing to force an employee into a sexual act or relationship. The quid pro quo conduct can be expressed or implied. Refusal to comply is used as the basis for job decisions, employment, or advancement, or detriment.

Some fees may not be listed here, for any questions or concerns about particular fees please contact us directly. We are always happy to answer any and all questions you may have.

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